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Solseris: Puzzle Fighter
(Current Project)

A multiplayer competitive puzzle game that focuses on positioning and spawn control to create a unique and challenging experience. This project was rebuilt from the ground up using C# and unity instead of Flash (no known as Adobe Animate) and ActionScript3. This will be the final iteration of Solseris! In this project I am responsible for the GDD, systems, mechanics, sound, and character design. Click the link above to see more!

Terrene Odyssey

Terrene Odyssey is a competitive 1v1 or 2v2 battle card game set in a destabilized fantasy world discovering its ancient industrial past. For this title, I was responsible for Game Balance and play testing. I suggested changes to cards as well as changes to the card pool to best diversify viable competitive strategies. Click the link above to see more!


Exceed is a competitive card game that emulates a head to head fighting game! Pick a unique character and face off against your friends using spacing and priority tactics! I am lead developer on some Exceed expansions. I am in charge of gameplay systems design. Click the link above to see more!

To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>
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